In April we advanced the information that social media penetration in Africa, according to the latest report published by We Are Social y Hootsuite: “DIGITAL 2019: GLOBAL DIGITAL YEARBOOK”, was …
Monitoring of working hours in businesses from 12th May
On 12th May next it becomes compulsory to keep a record of employees’ working hours. But this directive, passed into Spanish Law by Royal Legislative Decree, does not affect Spanish …
Social networks penetration in Africa
In the European and American business context, the task of sending out information and digital marketing with the focus on social networks is mainstream, but is it the same story …
La Palma in the European Commission’s pilot plan for a sustainable energy transition
La Palma, one of the Canary Islands’ gems: sun, volcanoes, wind and sea. No wonder this clash of colour and energy is commonly referred to as “the beautiful island”. And …
The Canary Islands: A Strategic Bridge between Africa and America
Location and infrastructures The location of the Canary Islands, geopolitically in Europe but right next door to the African continent, has led the business sector in America to show interest …