Murias Digital

Murias Digital

Agente digitalizador - KIT DIGITAL

Digital Marketing Agency, Web Design, Social Networks, Google Street View Photography, Technology Consulting, Architecture and Interior Photography, Advertising, Training... And much more! Currently also Digitizing Agent for the Digital Kit bonus of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation. Finalist of the VIII Cepyme Awards in the category of best Self-Employed Entrepreneur of the year in Spain.

Type of supplier
  • Integrator / Partner / Consultant
  • Business management facilitators.
Business name and tax code
  • 09435132A

  • C/Constitución nº23 Portal 5 , 2ºC
  • 38710
  • Breña Alta

  • Contact person: Emilio
  • Phone no.: 630491819
  • E-mail:


Programa Kit Digital - Murias Digital

Programa Kit Digital - Murias Digital

The Digital Kit is an initiative of the Government of Spain, which aims to subsidize the implementation of digital solutions available on the market to achieve a significant advance in the level of digital maturity. In this way, you can access up to €12,000 in subsidies for a company, so it is highly recommended to take advantage of this opportunity.

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